Prices and Canvas Sizes

Prices updated as of 30th March 2021 are shown in the table below. Please note these prices are a base prices and are subject to change depending on the complexity of the painting. For example if the dog, cat etc. is sitting on grass or other plain background, then the price will be as quoted below. However if the subject appears in a more complicated background then I will have to adjust the price accordingly to how much longer I think it will take to do the painting. All prices for portraits exclude delivery and this is quoted as a separate price in the table. Other larger canvas sizes are available with prices on request.

Pet Portaits - UK
Pet Portaits - USA
Pet Portaits - Canada
Canvas Size
Portrait Price
UK £
Postage & Packing
UK £
Canvas Size
Portrait Price
US $
US $
Canvas Size
Portrait Price
Canada $
Canada $
10 x 8
10 x 8
10 x 8
12 x 16
12 x 16
12 x 16
16 x 16
16 x 16
16 x 16
16 x 20
16 x 20
16 x 20
20 x 20
20 x 20
20 x 20
20 x 24


Payment Terms

A non-refundable 50% deposit is required before proceeding with the painting.
50% on completion of painting and approval.
Payment can be made via BACS or PayPal.

Please note, the prices outlined may be subject to change without notice.